Other Courses

Other Courses


Obviously, we can not offer every science class every year and the available courses are based on what the students want to take. I encourage students to look at each course carefully before deciding. You are also allowed to examine the textbooks for each course, as most of which are college level. The additional courses offered, based on request include the following:


Pre-requisites: Physical Science and Biology I
Grade Level(s): 11-12
Course Length: One year or One semester (depending on request)
Course Description: This course is an in-depth look at the role of microbes in relation to the human condition with examinations of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Students will also determine the necessary steps of protection (natural and acquired immunities) and procedures for wide-spread infection. There will also be individual studies of human diseases caused by the interaction microbes and human immune systems.


Ecology/Environmental Science

Pre-requisites: Physical Science and Biology I
Grade Level(s): 11-12
Course Length: One year or One semester (depending on request)
Description: This course is designed to go into greater depth in a variety of ecological concepts and issues. Students will gain a better understanding of the interactions between living organisms and their environment while reviewing the basic classification system for all living organisms. The concepts of natural selection and succession within biological communities are addressed as well as human impact on an assortment of species. The course is meant to be somewhat “interest-based” while adhering to a typical ecology curriculum outline, giving the students some margin of freedom in what species and topics they study.



Prerequisite: Physical Science, Biology I, and Biology II
Grade Level(s): 12
Length: One year
Course Description: This course examines the evolutionary history and physiological relationships of major taxa of the animal kingdom. Students will gain knowledge of both invertebrate and vertebrate anatomy, physiology, evolution, and ecology. This course involves numerous dissections including but not limited to crayfish, dogfish shark, fetal pig, clams, frogs, snakes, and squids.